[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Craig Bowman craig1 at shianet.org
Sun Jan 13 09:28:24 CST 2008

Obviously, burning manhood smells like doughnuts!

Craig Bowman

Rich Wood wrote:
> ------ At 10:51 PM 1/12/2008, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote: -------
>> It's a good thing I dont ever plan on having kids...
>> I've lived within just several hundred feet of...
>> a 250 Watt Daytimer on 1520
> With all these RF hazards around I've wondered how the last high 
> powered transmitter engineers, most in their 60s, ever survived. The 
> ones I know are still alive and kicking. They spent 8 hours a day, at 
> least, bathed in RF. Two stations I've worked for were directional 
> with an estimated 150Kw ERP.
> I do remember reading about police officers with the older radar 
> detectors becoming sterile or getting testicular cancer. It seems the 
> easiest docking station for their machines was between their legs, 
> pointed at the family jewels. They'd leave the units operating. I 
> would have thought they'd smell smoke.
> Rich
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