[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Linc c310driver at lincster.com
Sun Jan 13 09:53:00 CST 2008

 I used to climb AM, FM and TV towers with impunity, I've worked in the 
aperture of 10 kw TPO 50kw ERP FM while painting the tower and replacing 
guys, been on 10 kw AM towers hot, and climbed trough a Channel 4 
Superturnstyle while it was hot.  I was cautious enough not to climb UHF 
Pylons or high-band VHF traveling wave antennas that were hot.  AM poses 
little or no risk, unless you burn yourself or set your can of paint on fire 
from an arc!.

I had testicular cancer in 1994 at an age where the risk is considered past. 
Did the RF exposure contribute, I'll never know for sure, but I'll always 
wonder, I've spoken with doctors that say not likely and to others that said 
highly likely. I can no longer say, "I'd give my left '---' to know what I 
did with something," and as my wife reminded me a day or two after surgery I 
must have used that expression one too many times, and that it probably 
would be wise to put the right one at risk.

IMHO asbestos abatement and the RF exposure rules are the biggest hoaxes 
ever perpetrated on the American public, there are far more hazardous 
conditions that exist, like driving I-5 from San Diego to Yreka (OK any 
California Freeway) or visiting Camden, NJ. How many people drown each year, 
but have we banned swimming?  We're know that cigarettes pose serious health 
risks, but you can still smoke, although, thank goodness, not in very many 
public places in some states.

When I was in the Army we were given free cigarettes during basic and 
advanced training, and if you didn't smoke at a smoke break you were given 
other work while your platoon mates got a break!


>> It's a good thing I dont ever plan on having kids...
>> I've lived within just several hundred feet of...
>> a 250 Watt Daytimer on 1520
>> a 5KW Day/1KW Night Fulltimer on 1300
>> a 1 KW Fulltimer on 1340
>> a 1KW Daytimer on 1590

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