[BC] One More Telephone Query

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 13 18:10:03 CST 2008

Dave Gardiner wrote:
> That could be part of the reason. I'm betting that the audio quality out
> of those old Western Electric carbon telephone buttons wasn't the best,
> either...

Another thought... back then, "radio announcers" had carefully trained
voices and were held to a high standard of pronunciation, diction, and
grammar.  Perhaps they thought letting "ordinary people" talk on the air
would bring down the standards of radio programming?

Even today, the nationally syndicated "Delilah After Dark" show is highly
edited for its broadcast on New York City radio, because too many of the
callers have a Southern accent.

Across the pond, it took many decades before the BBC would allow their
announcers to use anything less than the strict "Received Pronunciation,"
which came to be known as "BBC English."

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