[BC] Hard To Pronounce City Of Licenses..

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 09:30:52 CST 2008


Schenectady and Poughkeepsie are eays, at least for me since I'm from 
the north.

I'm talking of towns like Fagaitua and Pavaia. However, I'm sure 
those towns are easy as pie to pronounce to those who live there or 
are from there.

Paul Walker

On Jan 14, 2008 12:55 AM, Kevin Tekel 
<<mailto:amstereoexp at yahoo.com>amstereoexp at yahoo.com> wrote:

Upstate NY has some favorites of mine: Schenectady (WGY, WVKZ), and
Poughkeepsie (WEOK, WKIP).

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