[BC] PCB and other hazards

Ronald M. Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Jan 19 13:42:45 CST 2008

< Once you have smelled PCBs, you probably won't ever forget the 
distinctive odor.
> I've probably smelled PCBs without realizing they were the source of
> the odor.  Richard said, "basically, if it smells, it may contain
> PCBs" but I would like to know how many of the substitutes are also as
> smelly.
> After doing some research, I determined that Bird currently uses a
> silicone-based oil.
  My Bird sales person told me:  "Bird NEVER used any PCB fluid
in any product."
  That's not to say RCA or someone else didn't have bird build
things that they filled with PCB coolant.

    Ron  KA4INM - My wife never had any problem spending money
                  her problem was just with me spending money!

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