[BC] Hard To Pronounce City Of Licenses..

Mike McCarthy mre at ais.net
Mon Jan 14 10:42:56 CST 2008

   There's Cairo, IL. which is not pronouced like the city in Egypt. It's pro   nouced "kay-row". You can spot a non-local in a heartbeat with that one.
   Same too for Eldorado, IL. Pronouced "ell-dohr-RAY-doe".
   Don't know how or why So. Il. picked up the nickname of Little Egypt since    it's not a dessert or anything remotely like Egypt. But there are a LOT of   references to the middle east there. Just the procunciations very differe   nt.
   > ----- Original Message -----
   > From: "Linc"
   > To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List"
   > Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 9:49 AM
   > Subject: Re: [BC] Hard To Pronounce City Of Licenses..
   > >
   > > Berlin, NH... not pronounced like Berlin, Germany, but with the accent    on
   > > the first syllable. Brrrr lin
   > Berlin ('old Berlin') and New Berlin, IL
   Please reply to: towers at mre.com

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