[BC] Hard To Pronounce City Of Licenses..

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Mon Jan 14 11:18:48 CST 2008

On Monday 14 January 2008 11:42 am, Mike McCarthy wrote:
>     There's Cairo, IL. which is not pronouced like the city in Egypt. It's 
>     pro   nouced "kay-row". You can spot a non-local in a heartbeat with 
>     that one.  
>     Same too for Eldorado, IL. Pronouced "ell-dohr-RAY-doe".

 The old stand-by around Akron, Oh for knowing who is the import,
 are both Akron, and Medina.
 Some just have no clue on Akron, until their once told, but hearing
 Medina pronounced Med-EEE-na is a sure give-a-way.
 Around here, it's a long "i" so Muh-DIE-na is local correct.

 Fun, is telling the visiting New Englanders that Wooster is pronounced
 Wor-chest-er ! ( which, of course, it is not )


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