[BC] Re: [Pubtech] Marti HRC-10A replacement

RADIO DOCTOR lylehenry at fastmail.fm
Mon Jan 14 12:39:57 CST 2008

On Mon, 14 Jan 2008, engineermike wrote:

> It appears my old HRC-10A STL combiner has finally bit the dust or 
> almost anyway.  Everything looks good on the STL's but on the receive 
> end my left channel is about 10% pwr while the right channel is 110%. 
> I tried swapping the cables from the splitter and checking several 
> other things such as attenuation on the receivers and everything looks 
> good so the only thing left that I can imagine is this combiner.

I take it this is the transmit combiner that may be going haywire. 
Since this is a backup, can't you just run each STL transmitter into the 
antenna directly, one at a time, so the combiner isn't a factor?

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