[BC] Marti HRC-10A replacement

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 16:33:37 CST 2008

Speaking of which -

Several years a go I was involved with the transmigration of Indy's main 
cable system from analog addressable converter boxes to digital.  The 
MINIMUM signal level for the digital receiver section to operate 
properly was TEN DB HIGHER than the equivalent analog signal.  Many 
subscribers had to rewire their entire house's cable distribution... 
most needed to have their drops replaced before the boxes would work 
reliably.  LOTS of freeze-frames, pixelating, and other digital 
artifacts.  If I'd been a subscriber at the time, I'd have taped the 
output and forwarded 535 copies to Congress, with the comment - "You 
want THIS on the air?!??!!?"

Tom S.

Chris Oradat wrote:
> As one of the 'whippersnappers', I understand the value of an analog backup
> path.  You may not have all the functionally of these new fangled digital
> boxes, but analog just seems to _want_ to work.
> --

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