[BC] Another Tower Collapse?

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Tue Jan 15 12:54:05 CST 2008

Both Dish and Direct do use a combination of off air and video fiber. I know
that direct multiplexes all the local signals into 150 mbit digital phone line
that goes to their uplink center in Denver. This means that a smaller TV
market with only a few channels can look GREAT, while a major market with 40
or 50 dignals-not too good....


------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:58:27 AM EST
From: "SHAFFER, RANDY L" <RandyShaffer at ClearChannel.com>

Someone asked me one day why they can watch Star Trek on the station 
on Dish and it is in mono, but their neighbor has Direct and their 
audio is stereo. Dish pulls the signal off air and Direct gets it 
direct from the studio.

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