[BC] Long wire antennas

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 15 16:13:45 CST 2008

I don't think that any commercial broadcast station ever
used a long-wire antenna. Many used a horizontal
antenna, most center-fed. There were not long-wire
antennas. A long-wire antenna is many wavelengths
long so that any RF fed at its feed-point has been
completely attenuated by radiation so that adding
more wire does nothing.

Two general wire types were used, for broadcasting,
the inverted "L" is either end-fed or off-center fed
against ground, and the dipole which is center-fed.

An example of the center-fed is on the old Westinghouse
Plant near Wilberham, MA on route 20. This was
used by WBZ-A at 1 kW.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: PeterH5322 <peterh5322 at rattlebrain.com>
 > >>  What station was the last to use
 > >>  such an antenna?
 > >
 > > Don't know.
 > Class As which once had them include KFI, KPO (KNBR), KGO, and, probably,
 > KOA.

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