[BC] RIAA and Copying

engineermike engineermike at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 15 17:34:56 CST 2008

Dave Scott sold out to Google some time back.  If Google isn't doing it 
then SS, CC, and a one or two others they scarfed up also aren't doing 
this anymore.
Shame as it was nice to be able to have your audio preloaded and ready 
on the drives.

Glen Kippel wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2008 5:35 AM, Kevin Trueblood <kevin at neptuneradio.net> wrote:
>> For the record, Scott Studios (a.k.a. Google's SS32) has gotten out of the
>> music business.  You can't call them up, order a system, and get a
>> pre-loaded library.  When Google took over their lawyers wanted nothing to
>> do with that.
>> ------------
> AFAIK, Dave Scott is providing music libraries on CD or HD.  I believe
> Arrakis and others are too.  At least they were a few months ago.

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