[BC] RIAA and Copying

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Wed Jan 16 07:59:21 CST 2008

------ At 06:34 PM 1/15/2008, engineermike wrote: -------

>Dave Scott sold out to Google some time back.  If Google isn't doing 
>it then SS, CC, and a one or two others they scarfed up also aren't 
>doing this anymore.
>Shame as it was nice to be able to have your audio preloaded and 
>ready on the drives.

In the days before the RIAA rampage you could distribute music on 
hard drive or tape and pay Harry Fox a mechanical fee. The station 
was already licensed to broadcast the material. It wasn't much 
different than distributing by CD except for the mechanicals.

As a network and a syndicator I never had to pay any license fee 
beyond Fox. If the distributor has to pay an RIAA fee that'll be like 
double taxation. I expect it to happen.


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