[BC] projected utility bills

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 15 20:19:08 CST 2008

You look at the transmitter specifications and see what
the manufacturer claims for overall efficiency (like 66
percent). You take your 1 kW power out, probably about
1.2 kW and divide it by the efficiency as a decimal.
That's the power input, probably about 1,700 watts.
That's 1,700 watts every hour.  For a 24-hour station,
you multiply it by the number of hours in a 30-day period
(720). You get 720 * 1,700 =1224 kW hrs.

You multiply that by what the power company charges
you (about 0.085 per kW) 1224 * 0.085 = $104.00 for the
transmitter only. You also have heating, air-conditioning,
lights rack equipment and tower lights. There is no magic
formula, you just do the simple math.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Daniel <daniel485 at centurytel.net>
 > Are there any useful sites or tools to calculate potential power
 > bills for an AM station running @ 1000 watts?
 > Dan Steele

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