[BC] Long wire antennas

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Tue Jan 15 22:26:16 CST 2008

It's 1230. It's atop the Odd Fellows Hall just outside downtown, Actually it's
more like a 7 turned on its side then an L, because the feed slants away from
the antenna. Also, the four wires are connected together at the feed point of
the "hammock" but are insulated at the other end. IIRC, the resistance is 16
ohms with some -j.


------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:17:17 PM EST
From: Larry Bloomfield <Larry at Tech-Notes.TV>

If my memory still serves me correctly, there is
an inverted L still in use in Los Angeles. I
believe the freq is either 1230 or 1240. It was
on top of a building just south of the Santa Monica Freeway near down town.

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