[BC] CCrane FM Transmitter

WFIFeng at aol.com WFIFeng at aol.com
Wed Jan 16 00:50:12 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/15/2008 4:09:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
akline at netins.net writes:

> It's not bad, but it's a 
>  nuisance changing batteries every couple of days. I use rechargeables, 
>  so it's not a huge pain, but still...

You COULD always build a small power supply for it... and tack-solder the 
leads to the battery terminals if you don't want to open the case. I bought a 
Belkin brand unit which runs on 2 AA cells. It also has a built-in regulator and 
a mini power jack, so I can run it from my car power. (Which I do.) However, 
the range on the thing was positively *abysmal*! Get more than 3' away, and 
you'd start to lose the signal. Why? The "antenna" was embedded within the 6" 
wire that you plugged into the MP3 player.

I took the thing apart and soldered two 18" leads, one to where the original 
"antenna" wire went, the other to the ground of the board. Increased the range 
from 3 feet to about 30. Even still, it's not 100% full-quieting to my radio! 
Oh well, at least it's a whole lot better than it was! I listen to it on my 
now 1-hour commute every day.

BTW, the only reason I'm not listening to the radio, is that there are no 
Christian *music* stations in the area. *None*. If there was a radio station, I 
would much rather listen to that. Even a voice-tracked station is still better 
than "shuffle" on the MP3 player... which is still better than nothing. :)


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