[BC] RIAA and Copying

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Wed Jan 16 15:20:45 CST 2008

------ At 03:00 PM 1/16/2008, Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote: -------

> > If you copy material from one medium to another
> > for distribution you pay a fee for the pleasure.
>Except if you first draw up a contract selling the CD's
>you use in the transfer process to your client. You are
>then dubbing tracks from their CD's onto their media.
>You are then acting as a producer, not selling audio
>material, but providing a production service. At the
>conclusion of the process the client sells you the CD's

At this point the RIAA will figure a way to sue you for something. If 
I were a Judge I'd rule in your favor for just figuring a way around the fee.

In the case of taped syndication the material wasn't sold but leased. 
The tapes were returned. The postage on 10 1/2 inch reels was higher 
than the mechanical license fee.


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