[BC] RIAA and Copying

Bob Groome bobgroome at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 16 15:27:31 CST 2008

Back years ago when I worked for a hard disk company in Colorado that starts with an Arr...... They made a hard disk player for the high end home audio market. They struck a deal with Time Music Libraries. They sold the Libraries (the actual CD's), dubbed them on to the hard dirve and shipped both the loaded HD music player and CDs to the client. Time was happy with the deal. Don't know if they are still doing it that way.  BOB

Rich Wood <richwood at pobox.com> wrote: ------ At 03:00 PM 1/16/2008, Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote: -------

> > If you copy material from one medium to another
> > for distribution you pay a fee for the pleasure.
>Except if you first draw up a contract selling the CD's
>you use in the transfer process to your client. You are
>then dubbing tracks from their CD's onto their media.
>You are then acting as a producer, not selling audio
>material, but providing a production service. At the
>conclusion of the process the client sells you the CD's

Bob Groome 

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.                       Albert  Einstein

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Work Email at ERI is bgroome at eriinc.com
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