[BC] Nartural Log / Natural Music

Dale Adkins-WINI wini at intrnet.net
Thu Jan 17 05:29:15 CST 2008

We've been using Natural Log for over three years.....but we use it for log
preparation and billing only.  We don't interface it with our production or
with Quicken.  We like it fine for what we need.  The company has always
been very helpful.   We still use the DOS system operating on Windows
98....but there is now a Windows version.  The only thing I don't really
care for is that any payment posted has to be posted to a specific invoice,
and that sometimes becomes complicated.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Lamoray" <lists at systemsstore.com>

> Is anyone on the list using Natural Log and/or Natural Music - DOS or
> Winders version - and if so what's your opinion of it?

> Thanks in advance.
> Larry

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