[BC] Nartural Log / Natural Music

Larry Fuss lfuss2 at cox.net
Thu Jan 17 09:42:12 CST 2008

> The only thing I don't really care for is that any payment posted has to
be posted to a specific invoice,
and that sometimes becomes complicated.

Not entirely true.  That's called Open Items invoicing.  But Natural Log can
do either Open Items or Balance Forward invoicing.  With Balance Forward,
you just post payments to the oldest balance.  However, Open Items is the
method preferred by most stations.  It provides a more accurate audit trail.

Larry Fuss, President
Contemporary Communications LLC
9408 Grand Gate Street
Las Vegas, NV  89143
Phone 702-898-4669
Fax 208-567-6865
Cell 702-328-4669
larry at larryfuss.com

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