[BC] Magic hair...

WFIFeng at aol.com WFIFeng at aol.com
Thu Jan 17 05:37:07 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/16/2008 11:37:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
biwa at earthlink.net writes:

> The board's fan is running fine 
>  and the heat sink is clear.  But, for some reason the magic hair came 
>  out of 5 of the 10 filter capacitors.  So, let this be a lesson - Do 
>  not let the magic hair out of filter capacitors!

That's because there was a flood of bad caps released into the marketplace a 
few years ago. This machine's MoBo suffered from a bunch of them, too. Since 
the board was already basically "dead", I decided to perform brain surgery, and 
replace them.

First item of note: You cannot desolder them wihtout risking serious damage 
to the board, itself. Thus, the old ones must be *carefully* snipped-out, 
leaving the approx. 1/16" leads protruding. (That's about all of the lead length 
that isn't aluminum.) Soldering the replacement caps to those is tricky, but 
do-able, and I was able to pull it off. :) This machine has been running 
perfectly for over a year, now.

It's delicate "surgery", not for the faint-of-heart, or less-skilled 
solderers, tho! ;)


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