[BC] RIAA and Copying - Indies

WFIFeng at aol.com WFIFeng at aol.com
Thu Jan 17 06:50:08 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/16/2008 11:43:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
richwood at pobox.com writes:

> I blame record companies for the sad state of music on radio today. 
>  Add the RIAA and it looks like they're on a suicide course. I don't 
>  like theft of intellectual property but can easily understand the 
>  attitude of those stealing music. They don't see individual 
>  performers. They see big foreign record companies ripping them off.

This is one reason why "Indies" are gaining popularity quite rapidly. With 
the power of the Internet, no longer are *Talented* amateur musicians at the 
mercy of these big money-grubbing conglomerates. With the power of blogs and 
social networking, they can get their music noicted and sell many MP3's of their 
songs, paying only the small overhead related to Internet distribution. Some 
have even started touring, and guess what? They get to keep *all* of the profits 
from the T-shirt and CD sales... after all, they already bought and paid for 
the shirts and the CD's, so every dime they earn is theirs. (Excepting Uncle 
Sam's cut, of course.) RIAA & the rest be damned, as they so deserve to be.

More power to the Indies! :) God bless 'em!

When I was at WFIF, I sought and played a fair mount of music by Indies... 
and when WPHA becomes a reality, that trend will continue, bigtime! I have a 
friend with a professional recording studio who has been (and would be) more than 
happy to help some of the gifted locals make quality recordings to get them 
on the air. Been there, done it... and I pray for the day I can do so again!


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