[BC] RIAA and Copying

Rev. Robert P. Chrysafis chrysafis74 at comcast.net
Thu Jan 17 10:44:35 CST 2008

That and the perpetual extension of copyrights. there was nothing 
wrong with the original 14+14 yrs. and not to exceed the authors 
death. that was more than fair to both the public and the copyright 
holders. if you can't make a return on your investment especially in 
this global environment we have today, then you sure are not going to 
do it in the 90 plus years copyright protection now allows.

by the original copyright laws everything from 1980 back would now be 
public domain.

We have the best corporate friendly government money can buy.

Rev. Robert P. Chrysafis

Moderator Hunterdonfree

>From: Rich Wood <richwood at pobox.com>
>Subject: Re: [BC] RIAA and Copying
>I blame record companies for the sad state of music on radio today. 
>Add the RIAA and it looks like they're on a suicide course. I don't 
>like theft of intellectual property but can easily understand the 
>attitude of those stealing music. They don't see individual 
>performers. They see big foreign record companies ripping them off.

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