[BC] Re:The telephone recording beep

Wayne Woollard woollard at inreach.com
Fri Jan 18 11:17:00 CST 2008

Heathkit had a "hybrid" in it's Amateur Radio Product line that worked very 
well, however the audio bandpass left no doubt that the caller was on the 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "k7cr" <k7cr at blarg.net>
To: <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 8:56 AM
Subject: [BC] Re:The telephone recording beep

> When I got into this biz, back in the late 50's, we had to deal with the 
> (singular) telephone company and they, in conjunction with the Feds, had a 
> ton of rules regarding interconnecting telephones and broadcast stations. 
> Back then we used the old WE 50B Recorder Connector.   if I recall.  They 
> did have the anoying periodic beep.    A few folks (no names please) found 
> a way to defeat the beep mechanically when it was discovered that the beep 
> occured when a relay pulled in....A pieced of cardboard from a match book 
> cover took care of that.  Later they came out with a new solid-state 
> model. This still had the beep, but also had a notch-filter that greatly 
> attenuated the beep on the audio output.   All I remember about this was 
> that it was the same size as the old 50B's and had a cannon connector from 
> where you got program audio.
> Doing live telephone work in those days was very crude. The problem was 
> how to get the caller to hear the announcer and yet not have the 
> announcers voice come back through the telephone and back out the recorder 
> connector and on the air.  The solution was to simply lay the handset on 
> the surface in front of the announcer so the caller could hear them 
> without making the announcers voice sound wierd.
> Remember, in those days, it was a crime to tamper with the telephone. 
> You had to have a 'telephone-man' install everything in your studios and 
> connecting anything to their system was termed a - foreign connection - 
> and it would be removed and taken away if discovered.
> A few folks (no names here) got wise to all of this and created their own 
> hybrid based interconnection equipment or 'borrowed' the hybrid in a 
> telephone that they happen to - find - somewhere.  In some cases, if you 
> were lucky, the local telephone man would look the other way.
> Clay Freinwald
> (Getting old)
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