[BC] Very Cool Radio Clip: WMMS 101FM

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Fri Jan 18 11:22:10 CST 2008

I think we all had one of those cool FM stations to listen to. In Boston it
was EBCN. In Worcester, WAAF, which in some ways was more 'underground' then
WBCN. Their studios were located in the Cocaine Realty Building (no kidding!).
A friend of mine did weekends and one week I filled in for him. I was 18 and
quite nervous. Anyway, Emerson, Lake and Palmer had come out with a new album,
and one song on it was: "The Endless Enigma". Well, I got the endless part
right but screwed up the word "Engima". I wondered what was wrong when my
girlfriend started cracking up in the studio. Then I played back the
telescoped aircheck (a cassette recorder with the remote start run through the
muting relay). Anyway, I was pretty embarrased....but no one else seemed to
mind. Of course, today there'd likely be an FCC investigation-no wait this was
a Saturday night-my friend would have been on the air voice tracked and the
building locked up.....


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