[BC] The Telephone Recording Beep

Bob Groome bobgroome at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 18 13:11:19 CST 2008

Some of the stations I worked left the tone in for broadcast. Guess those PD's liked the feel it gave ... that we were broadcasting a phone conversation. And some stations I worked use a then illegal tap on the phone line without the coupler and no tone at all. Coil and cap or tap off the speaker in a speaker phone.


"Thomas G. Osenkowsky" <tosenkowsky at prodigy.net> wrote: The Western Electric KS-19645 coupler has exactly
that. By shorting two terminals it will automatically
generate the beep and notch it out before the AVC
feature (also defeatable). A very popular recorder
coupler in its day.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

Bob Groome 

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.                       Albert  Einstein

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