[BC] The Telephone Beeper

Dale Adkins- WINI AM wini at intrnet.net
Sat Jan 19 10:40:58 CST 2008

As I recall.... putting a telephone call on the air was prohibitied,  either
by the FCC or other law,  without the
"beeper" unit.  You had to get the unit from the phone company and the phone
call had to run through it.  Defeating the beep or bypassing was a no-no.
We had one on the wall here until the late 60's or early 70's., when the
rules changed.   I was not a technical problem but a legal one.
Until the late 60's  we had to order a dry pair from the phone company for
every remote...  Then it became possible to do remotes on a dial up circuit
(high school sports etc)   After that,  talk radio etc became a reality.

I just went to the back room to see if I still had the GTE "beeper" unit
which I finally took off the wall....but I guess it went to the dumpster.

Smile and remember the good ole days.!

Dale Adkins

----- Original Message -----
From: "Donna Halper" <dlh at donnahalper.com>

  I never
 > understood the purpose of it on a line being used to put callers on
 > the air-- I mean, they weren't being taped or recorded
 > surreptitiously.  They were calling into a talk show and expecting to
 > get on the air, were they not?

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