[BC] Laptop Reccomendation Needed...

Mark Humphrey mark3xy at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 10:04:27 CST 2008

I bought a Toshiba U205 about a year ago and have been quite pleased.
XP was factory-installed, so it went on sale for around $1000 the week
before Vista was released. I've never seen a reason to "upgrade" the
OS and don't think I'll bother.

Its "footprint" is comparable to a MacBook Air --  about 1/4 inch
smaller than a 9 X 12 manila envelope -- but at 1-3/8" thick, it can't
fit inside.  However, it does have a DVD drive and a 1280 X 800
display, it's easy to use on airline seat trays and is relatively
lightweight.  The switching power supply accepts 100 to 240 volt AC
and puts out 15 volts at 5 amps. I've found that I can run the laptop
on nominal 13.8 DC straight from a car lighter socket with no problem.
   It has three USB ports (but no RS-232) and the built-in WiFi works

Processor speed is also very good.  On FM contour and Longley-Rice
studies, it outperforms my desktop, which is a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4.


On Jan 19, 2008 7:02 AM, Paul B. Walker, Jr.
<walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com> wrote:
> A client of mine is looking for a somewhat small, lightweight laptop.
> Those are really the only two requirements, kinda small and lightweight. But
> it obviously needs to be able to connect to the 'net wirless or through an
> Ethernet or USB Cable.

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