[BC] Continental 314r-1

Steve Fraunfelter steve at yourradioplace.com
Sat Jan 19 16:40:08 CST 2008

I am in the process of retuning this box and I am having trouble 
getting the power out of it. I can get normal high voltage reading, 
but no plate voltage, however the plate voltage meter seems to be 
pulsing at about a second . Now if I turn down the power control 
(lower) then at some point I can get 5-700 volts of plate voltage, 
but as I turn up the power it trips off. When it is at 700 volts I 
get current of about 150 ma (.15) of plate current and maybe half and 
amp of final output current. Then if I turn up the power control with 
it off and put it in High or Low power it pulses? Continental has 
been trying to help, but I wanted to see if somebody in the field has 
experienced any of this or has any insight.

Steve Fraunfelter
Chief Engineer
AVC Communications Inc

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