[BC] Laptop Reccomendation Needed...

Mark Earle mearle at mearle.com
Sat Jan 19 16:48:14 CST 2008

Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
> A client of mine is looking for a somewhat small, lightweight laptop.
> Those are really the only two requirements, kinda small and lightweight. But
> it obviously needs to be able to connect to the 'net wirless or through an
> Ethernet or USB Cable. (A comptuer that comes with wireless built in would
> be a help) and something that has decent battery life.
> Any ideas? The budget isn't huge on this, but she's also realizes you get
> what you pay for.
> Hard drive space isn't terribly important, but processor speed and ram is.
This is pretty subjective. For really small, Asus makes the EEE however, 
in my view it is _too_ small for anything but occasional use.

Dell, Acer, and Compaq/HP have machines in the $500-600 range that are 
all effective for the basics.

My own laptop is a 14" wide screen Acer Aspire $600 with taxes. It's OK.

Would have gotten a Dell, but last April they had not relented and were 
only selling Vista on the machines of interest to me.


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    `|____|   mearle at mearle.com

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