[BC] Laptop Reccomendation Needed...

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Sat Jan 19 16:55:56 CST 2008

At 03:48 PM 1/19/2008, Mark Earle, wrote
>Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
>>A client of mine is looking for a somewhat small, lightweight laptop.
>>Those are really the only two requirements, kinda small and lightweight. But

>This is pretty subjective. For really small, Asus makes the EEE 
>however, in my view it is _too_ small for anything but occasional use.

         Keep an eye out for a new machine coming from
         Everex and another company... $400 and it may
         include wifi... if I recall.

         I saw it at CES, and an digging for the info I got
         on it. 

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