[BC] Staffing levels

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Sat Jan 19 19:15:53 CST 2008

------ At 05:34 PM 1/19/2008, Barry Mishkind wrote: -------

>         One does wonder if the trend is going to be
>         centralized programming "hubs" ... with
>         just sales offices in the medium and small
>         markets - in the name of "efficiency."

We already have that with voicetracking and syndication.

>         It may be that the larger groups will start
>         a few engineers on a "circuit" of stations,
>         all fed from a central location.

We already have that. I've spoken with a few non-contract engineers 
who are responsible for widely separated stations. Unfortunately for 
one all his sites are old and unreliable.

>         Could be one of the new "requirements" for
>         getting hired is having your own RV
>         living quarters!  <g>

A 21st Century Willie Lohman in a Winnebago. He'll probably have to 
pay for his own fuel. Gotta save money to pay for the fuel for the 
top dude's corporate jet.


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