[BC] Staffing levels

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sun Jan 20 10:00:45 CST 2008

When Fank McCoy was DoE of Gulfstar, they were migrating in that very 
direction when T-1 prices dropped and the ability to extend LAN's became 
affordable. But Gulfstar changed strategies before that plan was fully 
deployed when they became part of the core Clear Channel operation. 
However, the die was cast largely.

To some extent, we too are doing this as well.  Two of our stations rent 
space at a local studio for it's compulsory main studio and we program 
everything from two locations, feeding everything by T-1 to the 
TX.  Sporting News did this before they sold their stations.  Anyone who 
has been a reader of these lists know the trend is towards general 
operational consolidation is progressing faster than ever.

The most important aspect of this configuration is ownership needs to 
understand two words: Redundancy and quality.  When you isolate your 
studios from the transmitter to that extent, the operation can't 
skimp.  The systems installed MUST be top quality and maintained/sustained 
without shortcuts.  And there must be multiple means to sustain operations 
when the main system(s) fail(s) in all but the most extreme 
situations...like a complete antenna failure.  Otherwise, trips to the 
outer reaches become frequent, costly, and counterproductive to the scale 
of efficiency sought.

Adding to that, if a station desires to be particularly involved with the 
local EMS operation, there needs to be a commitment to the extent needed to 
sustain those operations in extreme conditions.  That can be a very 
challenging effort when done from afar.


At 03:34 PM 1/19/2008 -0700, Barry Mishkind wrote
>At 09:44 AM 1/19/2008, Gary Glaenzer, wrote
>>stations without an engineer on staff. Equipment "issues" are being taken 
>>care of by a wandering contract guy from about 350 highway miles away.
>         One does wonder if the trend is going to be
>         centralized programming "hubs" ... with
>         just sales offices in the medium and small
>         markets - in the name of "efficiency."
>         It may be that the larger groups will start
>         a few engineers on a "circuit" of stations,
>         all fed from a central location.
>         Could be one of the new "requirements" for
>         getting hired is having your own RV
>         living quarters!  <g>

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