[BC] Staffing levels

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Sun Jan 20 13:48:01 CST 2008

Yeah, but Sporting News' "solution" cost a fortune. They had individual
Starguide channels for each owned stations STL! Three stations = over $15K a

Our STL in Los Angeles went from Santa Monica, CA via dial up ISDN (paying 10
cents a month long distance rates) to Chicago, then out the satellite.

A complete waste of time (especially when T1's from Chicago to LA cost about
1200.00 a month) if you ask me!

But then again, Scott had better things to do-like read every engineers'
emails they sent or received....


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 11:12:02 AM EST
From: Mike McCarthy <Towers at mre.com>

To some extent, we too are doing this as well.  Two of our stations rent
space at a local studio for it's compulsory main studio and we program
everything from two locations, feeding everything by T-1 to the
TX.  Sporting News did this before they sold their stations.  Anyone who
has been a reader of these lists know the trend is towards general
operational consolidation is progressing faster than ever.

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