[BC] Staffing levels

Douglas Pritchett radiofool at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 14:10:06 CST 2008

I remember those days, too. I also remember the consoles as well as
other audio gear used tubes. And transmitter readings had to be made
every thirty minutes. Base currents had to be read before and after
pattern changes. All the towers had to be illuminated, equipment
needed to be moved, setup, taken down, for large scale remote
broadcasts. There was more paper work, more stylii to change, more
tape heads to be changed.
So, things are different today. The demands on the position are
different, staffing models are different. It's not really apples to
apples anymore.

Douglas B. Pritchett
radiofool at gmail.com

On Jan 20, 2008 1:26 PM,  <nakayle at gmail.com> wrote:
>  I remember when a large station would have eight engineers between studio
> and transmitter staffs.  Now a days- it's the reverse- you have one engineer
> among eight stations.
>  Such is progress?

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