[BC] RDS numbers?

Paul B. Walker, Jr. walkerbroadcasting at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 01:19:14 CST 2008


When I left Williston, KTHC still had it on.. but as you said, it 
shows nothing more then their call sign.

I had NO idea KATQ had RDS installed. Who out there even has RDS? LOL


On Jan 20, 2008 2:03 AM, Dave Golterman 
<<mailto:dgolterman at yahoo.com>dgolterman at yahoo.com> wrote:
Here in northeastern Montana, I've only seen two stations use 
the  RDS.  KATQ in Plentywood and KTHC, Power 95 in Sidney.  My 
93  Lincoln doesn't have an RDS capable radio, but my mom & dad's 
2003  Chevy Impala does and I checked the station's today, both have 
the RDS  turned off.  They were on last summer when I last 
remembered  looking.  Neither station did anything more than just 
display  their call letters with RDS.

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