[BC] Staffing levels

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sun Jan 20 22:10:44 CST 2008

The LA situation was a bit tricky because of ownership issues as I 
understand. Scott and I talked frequently about a number of things at the 
network and I ended up hiring his assistant when the operation moved to LA. 
But at the end prior to the move, the LA operation was more or less 
completely handled in Chicago at their TOC as the network scaled back use 
of the satellite for the STL's.   BTW...they might be looking for technical 
help in LA..  They have a mothballed 32KD with two full Rubicons and RIO's.

They had an interesting approach which never panned out for various 
reasons.  I happened to like the national sports approach which was a bit 
refreshing compared to the hyper focused talk of the two local sports 
talkers (except when the ESPN O&O is on the network).  But like I said, it 
just didn't pan out.  FWIW, the local sports talkers aren't doing THAT well 
ratings wise either.  Both are 50KW lower band stations with powerhouse 


At 12:48 PM 1/20/2008 -0700, Dana  Puopolo wrote
>Yeah, but Sporting News' "solution" cost a fortune. They had individual
>Starguide channels for each owned stations STL! Three stations = over $15K a
>Our STL in Los Angeles went from Santa Monica, CA via dial up ISDN (paying 10
>cents a month long distance rates) to Chicago, then out the satellite.
>A complete waste of time (especially when T1's from Chicago to LA cost about
>1200.00 a month) if you ask me!
>But then again, Scott had better things to do-like read every engineers'
>emails they sent or received....

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