[BC] Staffing levels

WBRadiolists at aol.com WBRadiolists at aol.com
Sun Jan 20 22:58:46 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/20/2008 1:27:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
nakayle at gmail.com writes:

>  I remember when a large station would have eight engineers between studio
>  and transmitter staffs.  Now a days- it's the reverse- you have one 
>  among eight stations.
>   Such is progress?

This is what mystifies me so... has revenue to Radio dropped *that* much 
since then? HOW did stations do it in those days? Full staffs like this aren't 
cheap, in *any* economy or Dollar value! So, HOW did they do it back then, and 
why can't they do it now?


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