[BC] Staffing levels

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Mon Jan 21 09:07:56 CST 2008

On Monday 21 January 2008 08:55 am, Gary Glaenzer wrote:

>  2) they can't do it now because some sales reps are so afraid of losing a sale that they
>  cut everyone's throat, including their own
>  Just my $ 0.02, your mileage may vary..........

 I'm finding this true in engineering as well.

 We have some unemployed, or underemployed "engineers" who take on
 side work for so little it's amazing some of us can make a living at all !

 There's a fairly well respected engineer in this market who beat me
 out of a project gig not too long ago, by quoting a rate LESS THAN HALF of
 what I'd quoted.

 Some of *US* who feel under paid or underemployed, and rant about
 bean counters need only look in the mirror !

 If you want to cut your own throat, fine, but PLEASE stop ruining
 the industry for the rest of us !
 I understand competition. Had he quoted 10 or even 20 percent less,
 that's fine, too. Probably worth 25 percent less, but less than HALF ?
 Even if he doesn't warranty his work 100% like I do, less than HALF ?
 Sure, it was a side gig for him but come on !
 Roofers and construction general laborers make more than that, and
 side-gig engineers in markets just a few miles away are getting 4X.

 As to full time engineers..........
 I used to look at what it was worth to engineer a function, be it transmitter
 or studio, or remote, based on the going rate. Then, were it a cluster,
 or group, simply multiply that number by the number of functions.
 Too many look at what they think they want in their own pocket at the
 current unemployed moment, and will take on a cluster for what should
 be a stand alone, then complain about being under paid.
 Again, look in the mirror !!
 How can you blame a GM or a bean counter, for counting beans when
 you've discounted yourself SO deeply ?
 Even if you're only half as good as the next guy, and you know it, when
 your willing to work for 1/4 you ARE the better value at the moment,
 AND you're underpaid, and you're doing a dis-service to yourself, the
 rest of us, and the guy you're working for, too.

 Go sell french fries or something.
 You'll probably make more anyway.

 ( not actually having a bad day at all )

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