[BC] who listens to talk radio these days?

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Mon Jan 21 12:41:57 CST 2008

Some of you on this list are PDs or jocks (current and former), so I 
am trying to find out the demographics of today's talk radio, for the 
book I am writing.  Anecdotally, it used to be a truism that the 
typical talk listener (and caller) is an older white male, often very 
irate about something (WEEI radio used to refer to them as 
"bloodthirsty shut-ins").  Is that still the case?  Do any of you 
have access to ratings information? I have the 12+ from most cities, 
but it doesn't tell me the age group that listens to talk these days. 
Again, there is no ideology in my question.  Rightie, leftie, sports, 
cooking show, whatever.  I am just seeking more information about who 
calls and who listens.

And thanks to all who have helped so far-- the info on Herb Jepko was 
especially useful.  The University of Utah has set up a scholarship 
in his memory-- more about that in a subsequent posting.   

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