[BC] Technical Oops!

Alan Alsobrook radiotech at bellsouth.net
Mon Jan 21 18:19:13 CST 2008

One such blunder a friend of mine related to me (not one that many 
people would probably know about, occurred when he was working with 
Bendix Aerospace. Back when satellites were in their infancy, Bendix had 
designed and built the latest and greatest, it was launched and deployed 
into orbit. During the initial check out, they went to verify the switch 
to the backup battery, the command was given, and poof! you now had a 
multi million dollar piece of space junk floating. It seems no one 
thought to allow the controller to be fail safe powered from any 
available source, when it switched to the dead AUX battery the 
controller lost power causing an instant death for the whole bird.

Reader wrote:
> "Top 25 tech slipups of all time," is dedicated to keeping the technology 
> industry from losing its collective memory about its biggest blunders.

Alan Alsobrook CSRE AMD CBNT
St. Augustine Fl. 32086 904-829-8885
aalso at Bellsouth.net

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