[BC] Gaffe City

Peter Moncure pmoncure at radiosoft.com
Mon Jan 21 14:23:31 CST 2008

Glen Kippel wrote:
> On Jan 21, 2008 10:23 AM, Reader <reader at oldradio.com> wrote:
>> the
>> <http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/01/21/03FE-25-tech-failures_1.html
>>> "Top
>> 25 tech slipups of all time," is dedicated to keeping the technology
>> industry from losing its collective memory about its biggest blunders.
>> ----------
> Somehow I couldn't link to the actual stories.
To get to the actual stories, replace "disasters" with "failures" in the 
posted links.  A failure of their own, nice irony.

Peter Moncure, VP RadioSoft
706.754.2725 -2745 FAX
PMoncure at RadioSoft.com
...a Customer Friendly Company

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