[BC] I'd avoid Trend Micro

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 13:01:43 CST 2008

On Jan 21, 2008 10:07 AM, Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com> wrote:

> it was said--
> >>I've just had an unpleasant experience with Trend Micro anti-virus..
> >_______________________________________________
> My husband runs a computer repair biz (has done so for years), and we
> used to use Trend Micro but this past year, it began letting a number
> of viruses get past it.  I don't know what changed-- it used to be
> pretty reliable.  We are using Webroot SpySweeper, and while there
> are things about it that are annoying, at least it stops the viruses.
> __________

I am using SpySweeper on some of our newer computers here at KWXY, but
the computer  I am using at this moment is older and I found that SpySweeper
uses up a lot of computer resources on this machine.  I run CA Anti-Virus
and Anti-Spyware on it and this works out well for me.  A couple of our
machines have the complete McAfee suite.  IMO, it takes a long time to run a
sweep with that.  Whatever you run, make sure you keep the thing updated or
newer viruses will get through.

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