[BC] I'd avoid Trend Micro

Jeff Loughridge jeff at loughridge.org
Mon Jan 21 14:23:16 CST 2008

We run McAfee on all but audio desktops. That, combined with local firewall 
protection has eliminated any problems via the WAN. Our most troublesome 
machines are in the air and production studios. All audio is on a separate 
firewalled subnet, but the open machines for spot delivery, IM, texting, 
browsing, etc. continued to be problems and required frequent restoration 
from their Ghost image.

I now use a program called Fortres101. Awesome is the only word that 
describes it. The only problems we have now are random and infrequent 
hardware failures.


Jeff Loughridge

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glen Kippel" <glen.kippel at gmail.com>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [BC] I'd avoid Trend Micro

> On Jan 21, 2008 10:07 AM, Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com> wrote:
>> it was said--
>> >>I've just had an unpleasant experience with Trend Micro anti-virus..
>> >_______________________________________________
>> My husband runs a computer repair biz (has done so for years), and we
>> used to use Trend Micro but this past year, it began letting a number
>> of viruses get past it.  I don't know what changed-- it used to be
>> pretty reliable.  We are using Webroot SpySweeper, and while there
>> are things about it that are annoying, at least it stops the viruses.
>> __________
> I am using SpySweeper on some of our newer computers here at KWXY, but
> the computer  I am using at this moment is older and I found that 
> SpySweeper
> uses up a lot of computer resources on this machine.  I run CA Anti-Virus
> and Anti-Spyware on it and this works out well for me.  A couple of our
> machines have the complete McAfee suite.  IMO, it takes a long time to run 
> a
> sweep with that.  Whatever you run, make sure you keep the thing updated 
> or
> newer viruses will get through.

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