[BC] I'd avoid Trend Micro

Gary Blau gblau at w3am.com
Mon Jan 21 19:29:24 CST 2008

Hi Jeff:

Tnx for the tip.  This looks handy and affordable for small numbers of
those troublesome workstations we all have.

FWIW, on the higher end side, we use ScriptLogic's Desktop Authority on
our LAN to centrally manage AD and all machines:

We started using this in our division 4 years ago and it has since been
rolled out throughout the company.


Jeff Loughridge wrote:

> ...I now use a program called Fortres101. Awesome is the only word that 
> describes it. The only problems we have now are random and infrequent 
> hardware failures.
> http://www.fortresgrand.com/products/f101/f101.htm

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