[BC] EV635

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 17:00:18 CST 2008

Tinny? The 635A?  Not so; just fairly immune to presence.  The EV spec 
sheet even showed the top end of the mike at ~12kHz for the -3dB point, 
so not so good for HiFi music.  Eat it, and you still get reasonably 
flat performance.  BTW - running over it with a truck makes no 
difference - BTDT.  I've had LOTS of adventures in sound with the 635A....

Only drawback is, it's a true omni, which makes it fun to use in some PA 
applications.  If you get the chance to view the archives from the Ed 
Sullivan Show; note the mikes used for on-stage performers.... such as 
the time(s) The Beatles were on, forex.  And others. 

Tom S. -

Try putting in your $0.02 worth, instead.

stanleybadams wrote:
> That little mic was truly unbeatable. 

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