[BC] who listens to talk radio these days?

Douglas Pritchett radiofool at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 09:47:35 CST 2008

Donna, thanks much for your work to preserve the history of our industry.

I'm no longer a programmer or performer and can only speak for my own
habits. If that's not what you're looking for, please hit the "delete"
button now.

For the record I'm a white, western european, protestant, over 50 male
- usually refered to as the cause of all that's bad about or

I listen to talk programming much more because the music formats are
boring, stale, or offensive. Talk often provides some entertainment
while I'm working in my woodshop or driving to and from work. Lately
I've been listening more to ESPN radio since I can escape the
onslaught of the political/election process that never seems to end -
TV is no better in that area. Last night's democrat debate resembled a
school yard fight rather than exchange of ideas. I would not be proud
to have either lead my nation - - and the other side......sheesh.
Sorry, I think I need the meds now.....

Trying to pin down the talk audience is getting more difficult since
talk radio has begun to fragment much like the music formats have
evolved from 4 or 5 baisc formats to something that now resembles the
bottom rung of an Amway sales pyramid. Your basic representation of
the typical listener is sound, but it's expanding wider and a bit
Best wishes....

Douglas B. Pritchett
radiofool at gmail.com

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