[BC] NAB's New Logo

Mark Humphrey mark3xy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 09:47:37 CST 2008

I see that NAB recently introduced a new logo, replacing one that was
in use for about 20 years.

According to NAB President and CEO David Rehr, the new design
"...captures the true spirit of our organization and the members we
serve: strong, energized and forward-looking", but at first glance, I
thought we had jumped back 40 years.  Then I compared NAB's new "N"
and "B" against the old NBC "snake" logo.   It sure looks like they're
based on the same typeface; see:



Then again, the circle logo NAB used in the '70s was almost identical to ABC's.

Are those vertical bars in the new NAB logo supposed to represent
towers?   If so, three of them might need a paint job.


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