Re: [BC] Wanted:  Harris DA 16000.b Distribution Amplifiers

ontheair247 at ontheair247 at
Tue Jan 22 14:09:01 CST 2008

From: Danny Ray Boyer <drboyer at>
Date: 2008/01/22 Tue PM 01:16:07 CST
To: broadcast at
Subject: [BC] Wanted:  Harris DA 16000.b Distribution Amplifiers

I am looking for several used Harris DA 16000.b Audio Distribution 
Amplifiers if you have any extras lying on your shelf.

Danny Ray Boyer  

drboyer (at)

Don't have any extras myself, just be aware these are made by a different company, I think Audio-Metrics makes them. 
Also I would suggest a bench test of any units, just to set levels and check performance before placing into service. 
I had one that had one channel output that was going whacky and intermittent. Personal inspection found that one of the potentiometer legs for that channel wasn't clipped, it was hitting chassis ground intermittently, which was causing full dc rail voltage to appear on the output of that channel when the pot leg was shorted to ground. Something to look for if you have an intermittent problem. Otherwise a decent unit.

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