[BC] who listens to talk radio these days?

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 22 13:50:20 CST 2008

David Brudnoy used to have a great following on WBZ in Boston.
Also, on the weekends there was an "old-time" radio
personality whose name I can't recall. In those days, we
had lots of talk radio listeners in the Boston area.

Now, it seems that only the terminally ill listen to nighttime
talk in the Boston area. I wanted to get interviewed about my
book, which I thought would be of interest to many listeners
in the Boston area because it is about Massachusetts reform
schools and detention centers. Even when I had my expensive
publicist attempt to get some kind of interview going on
Boston Radio, it was refused. Boston Radio decided that
"their" audience just wasn't interested in the politics causing
horrific abuse of this area's "Throwaway Children.!"

Boston Radio should just  transmit keep-alive tones in
the nighttime.

Richard B. Johnson
Read about my book

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com>
 > Wasn't asking for the gory details.  Just wanted a general sense of
 > whether my statement that X demographic is the one that listens to
 > talk radio (of any political stripe, and as I said, not just
 > politics-- advice shows, sports, whatever) is correct!  Some talk
 > formats like to say they attract younger demos, and I was trying to
 > see if you guys and ladies had found that to be the case.

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